Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ok lets start

Have you heard of the Mosquito alarm or the Beethoven? This is what we know as teenbuzz, a mobile alarm which emits ultrasonic sounds and is typically heard by people less than 25 years of age because of their ability to hear high frequencies deteriorate in humans with age, a phenomenon known as presbycusis. Similar to this, we have realized that creative instincts in man is a degenerative process and before you feel that we are one of those groups who cringe that our past was golden and our future is rusty, here's our prompt disclaimer. In search of a radiant future, we have a take on many things, of which many we really do not mind sharing with others. Here is a start.

The second aspect is what is it meant by we? There is really no set definition again. We are an ever growing group of people who have realized after we brushed our teeth yesterday, that may be with pluck and luck we could stall this degenerative process to our creativity. In fact we have been audacious enough to believe that our 'keyboards' write better, our 'cameras' find better angles and our 'pencils' capture more poignant thoughts than when we were fifteen.

We have embarked on this journey, with mirth as our only partner that we cannot run short of inspiration and we would invite with open arms anyone who wants to give it a shot.

As we started the process, christening was not the toughest of jobs. Since most of us had been professional junkies who suddenly seemed to have hit a time jackpot, we thought that we would name it 'whiling joint' (a diet of desi English movies seems to do no good), or in more colloquial vernaculars 'vella' or 'vellapantee' (the actions vellas do). We are not trying to stretch our imaginations indicating at lingerie tastes of innocuous belles and lend a dash of fanatic eroticism to our forum. In fact what one of us did point out last night, it bears quite an eerie similarity to an Italian film' La vita e bella', (Roberto Benigni starred Life is Beautiful) which remains more close to heart.

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