Thursday, October 16, 2008


The Timeless traveler
Somehow I managed to sneak in with the crowd as the train gathered speed. A few seconds passed and I felt the cool breeze at the door where at least a dozen hands were remorselessly clinging on to dear life on a single iron rod. Some of them are even in a sub conscious state of slumber, oblivious of the perils of sleeping at the door of a speeding train. Sometimes I wonder how much tired a person can be to doze off where a slight loose grip may prove fatal. It is as if they are immune for these few hours and there is no force which can cause any grief to them. They are perhaps at the height of their performance of the day and their final target can be to see the parallel lines of the railway track meet. There is a strong urge which wants to see the lines meet, and then vanish into some unknown state. But as the train approaches with great speed, the lines elusively tend to get farther and farther away. It is as if destiny wants us to travel further on and prepare ourselves for the greater war of life. A surge of adrenalin wakes the timeless traveler and he realizes what is missed is very insignificant compared to what life can offer. Life is all but a serious journey. The armada of life can face serious twists and turns that can be of a lot of consequence. It is a deceiving mirror which can project a myriad of images at the cost of a life, which is the only thing at stake.

What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy. And joy is, after all, the end of life. We do not live to eat and make money. George Leigh Mallory

Life is a lot more complex than it was a hundred years back. Everything is growing up at an amazing rate and we are breaking the shackles of poverty and surging ahead to bright new world. There is a desire so strong and insurmountable that compels us to enter a race with our peers to achieve the best that is available. It is flood on the rise An ageless beauty extending its arms to heavenwhere everyone wants a crystalline view of the future. It is so compulsive a force that revolves all around us that its just time before we also want to enter the race to prosperity, fame and all the lucrative things the world has to offer. The ‘Wizard of Menlo Park’ was a humorous person who wanted to demonstrate his invention to the world in a unique way. Great men have over the ages shown us the light to tide over all adversity and enhance the state of mankind. But such a light continues to perplex us , it is some enlightenment that we are after, that is so deceiving and each and every path seems to lead to a different network altogether. The matrix of life never disentangled itself to any human. However the Buddha(Enlightened one) showed simple paths to mankind which we tend to overlook in our overtly busy schedules.

When it is dark enough you can see the stars – Old Persian Proverb.
The Dark Age is over, the electric bulb is a lost glory now, but nations still wage war. Kings have perished but kingdoms rise and fall. We have new means to master the machines, but we still fail to take life a little less seriously. When it comes to serenading before your partner you innovate weird styles that lights the flames of passion and yet when you follow your faith you are bound and gagged by the shackles of prehistoric era.
Life is a journey that we have make together. It is the only destination that never counts, but it’s the way to the destination that is more precious .In the process of rushing towards the destination we often fail to stop and wonder at the beauty all around. Let’s relax for a while and introspect a few things that can make our lives a little less serious, and a little more meaningful.

See this beautiful tree in the picture. It is as a poet had once conjured ' Its an ageless beauty extending its beautiful arms to heaven' just to explain the beauty with which the dying tree was symbolised against a blue sunny sky.

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